Torchlight 2 wiki rampage
Torchlight 2 wiki rampage

Though, it's overshadowed in what you'd expect in a mage by the Berserker. Overall the class with the most polish, of the four classes this has been my main and the most over-all fun to play. Personally from a design stand point they're all mediocre and some shine far brighter than others, there's a long winded examination of them all towards the bottom or in the next post. But, only in passing as this is the most subjective. Multiplayer aside, lets quickly touch on the four classes as these are what make the game personal and fun. Unfortunately, probably not something that will be remedied anytime soon. Though, that's just a minor salve upon the rawness of what multiplayer is in this game in regards to everywhere else in the gaming world. But, it feels good to know that at least it's not going to waste for you and them.īeyond that, Multiplayer is a great amount of fun, you share items, trade the ones you're too greedy to hand over in the name of camaraderie. If someone purchases the same aura item, they stack for you and that person. Going back to the brief mention of League of Legends, a game built entirely around combat through abilities and your chosen champion's basic attack, there's a very fluid feel to combat, your UI isn't cluttered and you can tell when you've been given a buff. Not to mention they don't stack so if you're playing two of the same class in different flavours you might over-write a better buff with a weaker one. Someone who has casted Elemental Boon near you applies a tiny little square to your already cluttered UI that's quickly lost to the brightness surrounding it. There's nothing to really communicate what's happening in an effective way. In regards to spell effects, various buffs and de-buffs. I have a sizable pool of friends with which to play and no matter what classes and skills we would use, everything would devolve into a sparkly mess.

torchlight 2 wiki rampage

I wish this was an isolated instance, it's not. If you can see where that's going, I applaud you as we both lost eachother in the myriad of particle effects and quickly had to stop playing together with that class and skill combination. Then Emberquakes started to ripple out as well. Everything was going fine for the large part, they'd take aggro for the first few seconds giving me enough time to wolf in, cast Northern Rage and wolf right back out. Several times a friend and I would be playing together on our Engineer and Berserker, the Engineer going Tanky/Summoner while I as the Berserker spec'd for AoE spells and mobility. Coming from League of Legends, a game where spell effects have to be visually appealing while staying minimal enough not to interfere with combat, Torchlight 2 believes in none of this. This can be good or bad depending on how you enjoy your games. Tangental to multiplayer is the amount of polish that has gone into the many spell and particle effects. You're not given a means to interact beyond external groups through Steam or the Runic forums, your friends list really only tells you when people are online, there's no VOIP communication, there's a crummy little chatbox shunted into the corner and finding games to play requires you take a chance. You bring your own friends or you wade the turgid waters of said impersonal multiplayer. There's no social component as mentioned before. Joining any game at random is of course a crapshoot, being held to the whims of the host who may or may not be anywhere near you and thus rendering the gameplay experience questionable at best.


There's no fluidity to the UI, just a series of boxes and options to search for a game. Playing with friends is about the best way to enjoy this game as the means with which to interact is sorely behind the times.įor several reasons in fact, the UI to even start a multiplayer session is clunky. It now has a multiplayer component to it, a lonely and impersonal compenent at that.

torchlight 2 wiki rampage

Maybe that's the problem, it's a polished product of everything to this point and little more. It's fun, it's addictive, it's everything the FATE series and the original Torchlight are. There's no one reason why after ninety hours of gameplay time into Torchlight 2 why I have suddenly become less enamored with the game. The second one I eagerly awaited, even with the juggernaut that was Borderlands 2 baring down upon it, I stuck to this game.

torchlight 2 wiki rampage

As a fan of first the FATE series games I had nary a second thought about Torchlight when it came around, I devoured the first one.

Torchlight 2 wiki rampage